Insights collection @ BrandRo2024
October 2nd, 2024
In the last year’s presentation on BrandRo we talked about how Romanians are evolving and gaining more trust and self-confidence. This trend is continuing in 2024 as well, as we observe the people’s tendency of describing themselves in a more positive tone, starting to put less focus on their critical side. We are hardworking, creative, welcoming and friendly much more than detached, vain or dishonest

The positive attitude is reflected also in the way they view Romanian brands that gain more and more favourability one year from another.
They trust them as providing quality and bringing value into their life. They are not simply a ‘cheaper” option but a better for me one. And although the tendency of associating Ro Brand with food &drink is present, the research and the top show that we have powerful brands in a wide variety of industries - e-commerce, delivery, white goods etc. This is another indication of Romanian’s growth and evolution as local businesses start to diversify and increase in number

“But is this positive attitude reflected in their behavior?” is a question we hear often, especially when we tackle this topic of Ro Brand. We can honestly answer: “Yes, it is!” If in the past the behavior was not always matching their attitude (people wanted to do things but feared to do it),today, we heal our traumas and gain more confidence, we act more in accordance with our intentions, in an assumed way. So, yes, people did buy more Romanian brands in 2024 versus 2023. Choosing local is part of people’s personal evolution and growth

Still, there is an important message people are transmitting – being a Romanian brandis not enough. Just clinging on the message of national affiliation is insufficient now that people have a lot of choices
More than nationalism people look for the promise of VALUE brands can bring in their life. They need brands which is aligned to their values and brands with a vision and a mission. They need to know how brands can make their life better –more beautiful, healthier, brighter etc. They need brands that put people in their center, that knows them and thinks about them instead of just talking about their national affiliation
So think again when considering you package or your next campaign and promo- do people really need another brand “waving” the Romanian flag or do they need a relevant story?